Current reports

Receipt of notice of a change in the Issuer’s share of the total number of votes

Current report 4/2023 The Management Board of Investment Friends SE _registry code: 14617862_ with its registered office at Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn in Estonia ["Company", "Issuer"] hereby announces to the public that on 29.06.2023 a notice was received at the Company's e-mail address in execution ...

2023-06-29T21:53:20+02:00June 29th 2023, 21:05|Current reports|

Protocol of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends SE of 21/6/2023

Current report 3/2023 Pursuant to the printout from the central database of the registration department of the Tartu County Court dated 21 June 2023, and in accordance with the Statute of INVESTMENT FRIENDS SE _hereinafter referred to as the "Company"_, the Company was filed with the registration department of the ...

2023-06-21T21:29:12+02:00June 21st 2023, 17:55|Current reports|

Notice on Calling an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends SE

Current report 1/2023 The General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends SE _corporate ID code: 14617862_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the Meeting is 21/06/2023, Wednesday; time - ...

2023-05-25T09:33:50+02:00May 24th 2023, 19:31|Current reports|

Information on the settlement of the Issuer’s liabilities resulting from the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 19/04/2022

Current report 14/2022 The Management Board of Investment Friends SE with its registered office in Tallinn _Company, Issuer_ informs that on 1/12/2022, the conditions referred to in § 361 point 1 and point 2 of the Estonian Commercial Code occurred, enabling the payment of amounts due to the Shareholders in ...

2022-12-02T09:16:25+01:00December 1st 2022, 17:38|Current reports|

Registration of changes in the Articles of Association of the Company

Current report 12/2022 The Management Board of INVESTMENT FRIENDS SE with its registered office in Tallinn informs that the Commercial Companies Register _Ariregister_ appropriate for Estonian law registered on August 29, 2022, the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company resulting from the resolutions adopted at the Extraordinary ...

2022-08-31T09:52:27+02:00August 30th 2022, 17:32|Current reports|

Correction of the report no. 11/2021 The schedule of publication of the periodic reports for the financial year 2021/2022

Current report 11/2022 With regard to the current report no 11/2021 of 11/10/2021 concerning the schedule of publication of the periodic reports in 2021-2022, Investment Friends SE informs about the new date of publication of the separate report for the financial year 2021-2022. Publication of the separate annual report for ...

2022-08-30T09:38:01+02:00August 29th 2022, 17:57|Current reports|

Protocol of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment Friends SE of 25.08.2022

Current report 10/2022 The Management Board of Investment Friends SE headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: 14617862, hereby informs that on 25/08/2022 there was held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Three shareholders were present at the General Meeting: - Patro Invest OÜ headquartered in Tallinn, registry code: ...

2022-08-26T09:00:58+02:00August 25th 2022, 18:17|Current reports|

Notice on Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS SE

Current report 9/2022 Legal basis: Securities Market Act § 1876The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of INVESTMENT FRIENDS SE _corporate ID code:14617862_, registered address: Harju maakond, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 5, 10145 Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, is convened by the Management Board of the Company. The date of the ...

2022-08-03T20:47:28+02:00August 3rd 2022, 17:18|Current reports|